Carbon offsets

Carbon offsets play a vital role in the fight against climate change by allowing businesses and individuals to compensate for their carbon emissions through projects that reduce or sequester greenhouse gases. In the agricultural sector, offsets are particularly important as farming is a significant source of emissions, but also holds immense potential for carbon sequestration through practices like no-till farming, agroforestry, and cover cropping. By implementing these practices, farmers not only improve soil health and boost resilience but also generate carbon credits that can be sold as offsets in voluntary and compliance markets. These credits provide a financial incentive for farmers to continue sustainable practices while helping businesses meet their emissions reduction goals.

Carbon offsets in agriculture contribute to a global strategy to balance carbon emissions, driving both environmental and economic benefits. According to studies, regenerative farming practices can capture up to 1.85 gigatons of CO2 per year . By supporting these initiatives, offsets make it possible to harness the power of the agricultural sector for positive climate actio

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